Psychology Profs Kick off Semester with TA Bootcamp

Psychology professors Dr. Constance Jones and Andrea Wiemann consult their notes during the TA bootcamp

Psychology teaching associates gathered in the final winter break week to sharpen their skills before the Spring semester kickoff.

“The goal of the bootcamp is to prepare graduate students working as Teaching Associates for Psychology 144 (Research Design and Experimental Methods) Spring 2024,” Psychology professor Dr. Constance Jones said.

Jones and her colleague, Prof. Andrea Wiemann, spearheaded the 3-day training session, presenting refresher information on research design and statistics. They also provided feedback to TAs on teaching, grading, and classroom management. 

Jones said the activities included:

  • Revising student research ideas to create a doable one-semester research project.
  • Practice teaching.
  • Practice grading.
  • Working through common classroom scenarios.

The TAs also met with each other and their assigned instructor to prepare for the Spring semester.