
Psychology Department Celebrates Faculty-Student Excellence and Contributions

The Psychology Department is a beehive of activity, showcasing its faculty and students’ diverse expertise and achievements.  Dr. Lorin Lachs, Chair of the Psychology Department praised the faculty and students. “On behalf of the Psychology Department, I’d like to congratulate these faculty and students for their continued success in advancing our educational mission through the […]

Psychology Alumna Angela Hickman Sets Sights on Advancing Her Career

Angela Hickman is a recent graduate who earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology in December 2023. With aspirations to become a Clinical Neuropsychologist, Hickman’s story was recently featured on Fresno State’s Career Development Services website. “I am looking to become a Clinical Neuropsychologist, so in five years, I hope to be finishing up […]

Psychology Professor Dr. Constance

Psychology Prof. Dr. Constance Jones Publishes an Essential Guide For New College Instructors

It’s a quick read, 12-chapter, 115-page book, a guide for adjunct and new instructors by psychology professor Dr. Constance Jones.   Jones says she wrote the book because she loves teaching and enjoys watching others teach.  With over 30 years of teaching experience as a Fresno State professor, Jones describes her new book, The Essentials of […]

Psychology professors Dr. Constance Jones and Andrea Wiemann consult their notes during the TA bootcamp

Psychology Profs Kick off Semester with TA Bootcamp

Psychology teaching associates gathered in the final winter break week to sharpen their skills before the Spring semester kickoff. “The goal of the bootcamp is to prepare graduate students working as Teaching Associates for Psychology 144 (Research Design and Experimental Methods) Spring 2024,” Psychology professor Dr. Constance Jones said. Jones and her colleague, Prof. Andrea […]

Dr. Martin Shapiro is a psychology professor at Fresno State who teaches courses in motivation and neuroscience. He is also the author of two psychology textbooks. Below, he offers some insights into making New Year’s resolutions that will stick.

Psychology prof offers 10 tips for making effective New Year’s resolutions

Note: This story was first published in the Fresno State News. Visit FSN for more updated news about Fresno State. Dr. Martin Shapiro is a psychology professor at Fresno State who teaches courses in motivation and neuroscience. He is also the author of two psychology textbooks. Below, he offers some insights into making New Year’s […]