Fresno State Accepting Applications for Spring 2024

Fresno State News Report

Fresno State’s spring undergraduate admissions period will be open from Aug. 1 through 31. This allows lower-division, upper-division transfer and returning applicants from local and non-local community colleges to apply to start classes at Fresno State in spring 2024.

“We’re working to expand access and opportunity. Fresno State offers a high-quality education at one of the most affordable rates in the nation,” said Dr. Kent Willis, vice president for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management at Fresno State. “This is a great time to start, restart or upskill your higher education. Our team members are ready to assist prospective students through the process and we encourage all questions or concerns.”

Fresno State is committed to serving the local region and prioritizes local applicants. Non-local applicants will need to meet a higher admission GPA for programs that are impacted. For all other programs, students must meet the minimum CSU admission requirements.

All upper-division transfer requirements must be met by the end of summer 2023 for student applications to be considered. No courses taken in the fall will be considered to satisfy admissions requirements for spring 2024.

Undergraduate students who left Fresno State in good standing and who are returning to complete their degrees can reapply to the university using a simplified application, the Welcome Back Form.

All other students can apply online at Information regarding spring admission and document deadlines is available online. No late applications will be accepted after Aug. 31.

“Fresno State is committed to being accessible to individuals who desire to earn a degree,” said Phong Yang, director of Admissions and Recruitment and interim associate vice president for Enrollment Management. “For this reason, we will open admission to both lower-division and upper-division transfer students. Additionally, students who wish to return to the campus and finish their degree can expect a newly simplified and streamlined readmission process. We take pride in offering a top-notch education and college experience while remaining one of the most affordable universities.”

Fresno State is also accepting applications for post-baccalaureate students. Students are encouraged to visit the Graduate Admissions website for more information and deadline dates on specific graduate programs. The deadline for graduate admissions (for select programs) is Nov. 1.

Several application webinars to provide assistance can be found at this link. For more information, contact Admissions and Recruitment at 559.278.2261.