Exit Seminar: Stressful Times Call for Stressful Measures, Especially for Western Fence Lizards

Tyle Combs Professional Science Master’s Degree Master of Biotechnology

Event Details

Join us for a captivating Professional Science Master’s Degree in Biotechnology Exit Seminar presented by Tyler Combs:

Title: “Stressful Times Call for Stressful Measures: Comparing Energetic and Hormonal Measures of Stress in Response to Simulated Threats in Western Fence Lizards (Sceloporus Occidentalis).”

Date: Tuesday, Nov. 21, 2023

Time: 11:00 AM
Location: Science I, Room 141

Combs will delve into the fascinating world of energetic and hormonal stress measurements in the face of simulated threats.

See attached flyer

Combs, Tyler Exit Seminar 11-21-23